Planes, lights, shadows and contrasts of values. Blurs and flashes, imprints like musical notes are granted to us by the talent of this creator of colors that is IRENE TURNER through children.
J. Asensi Lloria. Expert and Art Critic – VenezuelaIrene Turner freezes the childish expression to speak to us through it.
J. Pedro Salina. Journalist – VenezuelaIrene Turner is a Venezuelan artistic photographer. Her early exhibitions presented images involving children, as do many of the photographs in this collection. Since 1992 she has devoted much of her attention to rural areas throughout Venezuela.
Steven Summer. Chair of the Department of Art at the University of Tulsa, OklahomaIrene Turner has an excellent resume in her obsessive performance as a professional in the art of freezing images in full sunlight. Her photos, nuanced with atmospheric effects, are saturated with nature and history.
Prof. Carlos Viso Carpenter. Historian – VenezuelaIrene Turne brings us, in her everyday lens: Views of human space, which take us back to the sea… The soul is distracted from the hard daily struggle; And it is the extraordinary work, Photographic by Irene, Love entertains us, With its landscapes of Paria…
Enrique Viñolos. Poet